New Math Website to Check out!

 Hi there! Mrs. Hull has shared this website with the teachers and it is called Which One Doesn't Belong?. You can click HERE to find the link. There are different categories and you can try and figure out which shape, number or letter doesn't belong in the group of four and explain your reason why it doesn't belong to someone at home. Good luck! Some of them are very tricky!

Online Schedule and Activities for May 17th to 20th

 Hello Room 17 and welcome back for the second week of online learning. The schedule and activities can be found HERE. Just a reminder that Friday is a Professional Development Day and there will be no online learning activities scheduled for this day.  Enjoy the beautiful weather today and see you on Google Meet at 8:30am Monday!

Mr. Jamroziak's Updated Blog

 Hi there,

 Here is our French teacher Mr. Jamroziak's updated blog site:

Students can access it when they want to go and practice some of their French vocabulary.

Online learning Week at a Glance and Activities

 Hello room 17, grade two's! Found HERE is the download of the online learning schedule and activities for the week. I also posted on the HOMEWORK page this week's homework as well. Any online learning should be dated and completed in the journal or duotang that I sent home on Thursday last week. Any homework can be finished and completed in their homework books.  Thank you and see you tomorrow morning at 8:30!

Weekly Blog

 Hello Room 17! Thanks to almost all the students in a seamless move to online learning today! It was great to see your faces and review what is going to be happening for the next couple of weeks as we switch back to online learning. I will be posting the weekly schedule and activities for everyone on Sunday and also there is the expectation that the students will be doing their homework as well that will be due once we get back to the classroom for the two weeks!

It has been a busy week as we prepared to transition back onto online learning and the students were busy doing a picture prompt and remembering the steps involved in creating a strong climbing story with a great beginning, detailed attempts to solve the problem, a solution to the problem and followed up by a satisfying ending where the characters think about what to do differently next time so their kites don't get stuck in the tree!

In Mathematics, we have been discussing how to interpret and properly complete a word problem using pictures, numbers and words in order to show your understanding. This has been complimented with work on measuring the length of various objects in the classroom and being able to compare which one is longer or shorter when put side by side. 

In Science, we started to transition to our next unit on Boats and Buoyancy and how objects are either able to float or sink beneath the water's surface based on density, shape and what type of material they are made from. 

In Social Studies, we continued to explore Calgary and its past as well as try to create a persuasive letter to our parents about if we had to move to one of the three other communities we study, which one would you pick and why.  It was interesting to see that even though it is a very cold community in the winter time, some students still chose to pick Iqaluit in the Nunavut!

So, we return to online learning and we will do our best to continue to move our learning forward as this strange year of grade 2 continues. I want to remind students about the importance of being a respectful and appropriate individual while we are meeting in Google Meet. As we had to move online in January, students in room 17 did a fabulous job of knowing when we can turn on our mikes and when it was time to listen to either the teacher or another student in the class. I hope we can continue this trend and remember that everyone is important, but we need to share our time online equally. I hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day weekend and look forward to reconnecting with all of you on Monday morning at 8:30!

Weekend Art Homework

 Hello Room 17! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for our Google Meet session at 8:30 am!

As we have been talking about analyzing art and artists, I am asking you to look at the following picture and spend some time this weekend trying to answer the following questions about this painting in your online work journals I sent home with you today.

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, 1889

Here are the questions I would like you to try and answer about this particular artist?

1) What is the title of the picture? Who painted it?

2) What do you notice in the foreground or the picture? What do you notice in the background?

3) What shapes do you see in the painting? 

4) what types of objects appear in the picture?

5) How do you feel when you first look at the picture? 

6) If you could change something about this picture, what would you change?

April 26th - 30th


Happy Saturday to all the students of room 17! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and are able to get out as a family for a walk or fresh air.

In Writing, we continue to work on building on our climbing story skills and understanding what elements will appeal to our reader and add them into our stories. We talk about stretching out details, adding some suspense and then starting to attempt to solve the problem a few times before being successful. The students have continue to key in our our idea of a kite getting stuck in a tree and how are we going to get it out?

In Mathematics, we continue to reinforce our number sense skills in adding and subtracting two digit numbers and being able to explain how we found our answers. We have also been looking at word problems to figure out what the problem is asking us to do and the steps we need to complete in order to find the answer or answers. We have also looked at using nonstandard ways to measure things inside the classroom and also outside as we measure the perimeter of our playground with our feet. It was amazing to see that for most students, it took over 360 feet to go all the way around!

In Science, we are wrapping up our unit on Exploring Liquids and are starting to look at Boats and Buoyancy. We will examine what materials float or sink and how boats are designed in order to move across the water. 

In Social Studies, we have begun to research about Calgary and its past. As a class, we generated some questions we wanted to answer about Calgary's past and growth as a city. We will then be taking this information and create a Google Slide presentation to share our findings with our classmates.

A reminder that Monday is Formal uniform day and students should have at least two masks that they can wear at school with them. I continue to stress with the students the importance of wearing their masks properly in class and when we leave the classroom too to attend other events. Finally, as our PE classes will be outside for the next while, please ensure your child has the proper layers to be outside during this time. Thank you and see you soon!