1) For our Google Meet session next Monday at 10am, remember you can dress in your pyjamas and bring along your favourite stuffy to show your classmates. I would also like you to bring along your favourite toy and share with your classmates during our meeting why it is your favourite toy!
2) This is a link to a Google Meet extension if you are interested in adding it to your browser on your computers. All you should have to do is click the link and install it. It allows you to see more than one face on the screen during the sessions.
Google Meet Extension
3) If you want a challenge activity to do on top of the At Home Learning for this week, you could make a 3D insect similar to what Adam has created below. I believed he used playdough or modelling clay and also labeled the different parts of his spider too! Not expected of anyone, but it looked like fun!
FABULOUS! Five stars! USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: -Install extension, refresh/enter/re-enter Google *Meet* (not Hangout) (ideally with 4+ people) -Click the little grid in the upper right (find your webcam feed in the upper right, then look three icons to the left of it) -Click "display your own camera", "highlight speaker", and perhaps the "only show speakers with video enabled" option -- my ...
Thanks very much and it was great to see the class on Monday. Looking forward to next Monday too!