Raz Kid's Assessment Information

Please try to complete the reading assessment on, or before, tuesday june 2nd. the test will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

RAZ KID ASSESSMENT INFO WILL BE IN THE At home learning FOR THis WEEK! below is an explanation of how to complete the reading assessment found in raz kids...

You will see the above "Flight Check" on your Raz Kids Dashboard once your Reading Assessment has been assigned! 

For Parents:

Usually as students end their school year, teachers are able to do 1-1 reading assessments to best determine where to begin for the following year.  Since we unfortunately are not able to meet and read with each of our students we are asking for you to follow the detailed instructions below and complete the assigned reading task.  Your child will record themselves reading INDEPENDENTLY and the results will be shared with the teacher.
Teachers will use this information to help your child transition into the next grade and provide next year’s teacher with a great starting point.

If you are unable to complete this task due to computer difficulties please contact your child's teacher.

Please note that the task will take about 15 minutes and can only be done once and then will disappear from your child’s reading folder.  Thank you for helping us set your child up for success next year.

For Students and Parents:

Literacy: How to complete the Reading Assessment
To complete the reading assessment on Raz Kids. Please follow the steps below.
Please make sure that you are in a quiet space when completing this assignment so
that your teacher can clearly hear your voice when you read!
You only get one chance to do the reading assessment and then it disappears so do
not start until you are ready!

  1. Log in to Raz Kids.
  2. You will see a new button called “Flight Check.” Click on it!
  1. You will earn extra stars for doing this task! Click on the microphone button to start.
  2. It looks like this: 
  1. Press “Yes” when you are asked if you have time to complete this assignment.
    Remember to be in a quiet room in your house when you do this!
  2. Start reading! You need to use your normal talking voice when you do this, don’t
  3. whisper or shout!
  4. When you are done reading, press the done button.
  1. Now you need to RETELL what you read. Hit the record button when you are ready. 
  1. When you are done retelling, press the “Pause” button. Then click “Done”.
  1. Now it is time to answer some questions about the story you read.
  2. When you are done answering all 5 questions, press done.
  1. Now you need to RETELL what you read. Hit the record button when you are ready. 
  1. When you are done retelling, press the “Pause” button. Then click “Done”.
  1. Now it is time to answer some questions about the story you read.
    When you are done answering all 5 questions, press done. Great work!