September 21st - 24th - Week at a Glance
Hello and happy weekend to the students of room 17! I hope you are enjoying your long weekend as on Friday the teachers were busy preparing for upcoming events during our Professional Development day activities.
This week, the students were busy working on writing about using their 6 Senses (including feelings) to describe the season of fall. They were trying to create pictures in the minds of their readers by using a variety of descriptive words to talk about what they can see, smell, touch and do during this season of fall. We will continue to work on this next week and also discuss the importance of editing our work to create a finished product that our audience is looking forward to reading.
We have also been working on understanding the importance of Literacy Centres where the students work on a variety of literacy skills within the classroom while the teacher is working with a small group on Guided Reading. The students are being instructed on what tasks they need to work on and allowing the teacher to interact with those students on reading comprehension and decoding strategies.
In Science, we had a chance to do a nature walk to the front of our school and see the various insects that are still busy making their way around our natural world. We saw lots of ants, flies, a mosquito or two and a spider during our walk. Students have also been talking and diagramming the life cycle of a butterfly and discussed the metamorphic change that they go through on their way to becoming an adult.
In Social Studies, we have continued to reflect on the vastness of our country of Canada and the location of the various communities we will be studying this year - Iqaluit in Nunavut, Meteghan in Nova Scotia and Saskatoon in Saskatchewan. We have started to talk about landforms and waterways that vary in the communities and compare them to what we see in and around our city of Calgary too. We will start to look in depth at pictures and video of each community to see how the geography effects the people in that community.
A few reminders for parents about next week. Remember it is Photo Day on Monday and students need to be in their formal uniforms. Also on Wednesday, September 30th is Orange Shirt Day. This day encourages communities to recognize and support reconciliation events and activities. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt for this day with their navy pants/shorts/skirt or under their tartan dress. It is NOT a casual day but rather just an opportunity to wear orange with our uniform.
Thank you and I hope that people continue to stay safe and healthy to start the school year!