Thank you!
Room 17 thank you very much for your efforts this week with our online learning! As I said to you before we signed off, you did an excellent job being respectful digital citizens within our Google Meet sessions. You made sure to mute your mikes when others were talking and to be patient when others were sharing their writing or ideas. During the presenting time or teacher instructional time, you listened and asked your questions at the end when it was appropriate to do so.
We will be returning to in class instruction next Monday. I want to remind you to wear your formal uniforms, bring two masks to school and return all your writing, math and science activities you did this week during online teaching to the classroom. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing all of your Monday morning!
A last note: if you are interested in finishing up the Snowman math activity, I have included the document HERE and you are welcome to print it off and finish your snowman and the math question about what your snowman costs to build.