April 6th - 9th

 Welcome back to room 17 after what I hoped was a fun and relaxing spring break time. It was great to see everybody again and continue forward on our grade two learning journey.

This week in writing, we spent some time reviewing the elements of a great beginning and then started to talk about the various elements that make up the middle of the story. We talked about introducing the characters, the problem and adding as many details and descriptors as possible to create a vivid picture for the reader who wants to continue reading on.

In Mathematics, we reviewed our basic facts and had some math talk sessions with Mrs. Hull in relation to figuring our two digit numbers based on the clues that were given and also how to access her website that has many links to some great math websites. (Her blog page is found on my resources page, but near the bottom). 

In Science, we had the opportunity to look at various liquids and how because of their different densities, they don't mix when placed in the same container. We found cooking oil had the lowest density, while corn syrup, which was at the bottom, had the highest density of all the liquids. We also talked about how oil sits on the surface of the water when an oil tanker leaks and the process of trying to contain the oil from spreading too far and harming the sea life near the spill.

In Social Studies, the students had to look at life from the perspective of an Inuit child growing up in Iqaluit. The students were asked to think of how their life is shaped at school and with the interactions of people within their own families too.  It was interesting to hear how each student saw themselves when asked to write about life in this northern community.

Have a wonderful Sunday and see everyone on Monday morning for another wonderful week of learning!