Partnership with Chinook Chapters and Love of Reading Campaign

 We are in the home stretch for the Love of Reading campaign with Chapters Chinook. 5 days to go!! We have raised $1,860.00 so far and have yet to find out how much has been raised at the store location. 

Please take the time to watch this video created by Le Roi Daniels and various teacher's feelings towards the benefits of reading!

Thank you!

Le Roi Daniels Love of Reading Campaign

Also the informational video about the whole reading campaign - Love of Reading Foundation

Week 4 of Grade 3

 Hi there! I hope you are having a fabulous fall weekend with your family. Hard to believe that next Friday marks the beginning of October already!

This week the students took part in the Terry Fox Run on Thursday and ran or walked consecutively for about half an hour around the school playground area. Thank you to all those families who were able to bring in a donation that goes directly to the Terry Fox Foundation and their goal of finding a cure for cancer. 

In writing, we continue to explore the elements of a complete sentence and what a noun, verb, adjective are within the sentence. We are looking to extend and add greater description to our sentences in order to help our reader create a clear picture in their mind of what the students are writing about. We also have discussed the importance of starting our sentences with capital letters and also using appropriate punctuation to end our sentences, either a period, exclamation mark or question mark.

In Mathematics, the students continue to work on number sense and being able to represent numbers using expanded notation, base ten blocks and place value charts. The students have also been exploring various strategies they can use in order to find the sum in addition questions and the differences in a subtraction sentence. 

In Social Studies, we were fortunate enough to bring in Teacher's Pet to provide us with a glimpse into the four countries that we will be studying this year - India, Tunisia, Peru and Ukraine. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who helped as "teacher" while introducing each student to the country they were teaching about. The students came away with a new found appreciation of how many differences there are with people in different countries in the world, but also how many similarities there are too.

In Science, we are looking at various classifications of animals and what characteristics each animal has to fit into their category. We looked at skin cover, whether they are vertebrates or invertebrates, habitats, number of legs, warm blooded and cold blooded and examples of each. We will be looking more in depth at each type of animal and creating detailed diagrams of each.

A reminder that we have Picture Day on Monday and the students need to be in their formal uniforms and also that we will be recognizing Orange Shirt Day on Wednesday where we are asking the students to wear an orange shirt to school.  Thursday there is no school in recognition of Truth and Reconciliation Day.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see the students on Monday morning.  

Week 3 of Grade 3

Hello Room 5 and thank you for another wonderful week of learning. The class has been busy with many different subject areas and getting comfortable in our new room and hallway for grade 3! The students have been busy discussing the theme of quality of life for people around the world and how it can affect their feeling of safety and comfort levels. We have been exploring the concepts of wants versus needs in our daily life and we will exploring the lives of others in countries like Peru,  India, Ukraine and also Tunisia and how do our country compare with these places in meeting our needs.

In Mathematics, we are discussing place value and various ways to represent numbers using expanded notation, base ten blocks, place value charts and creating addition and subtraction sentences as well. The students continue to explore various types of graphs such as bar and pictographs to gain an understanding of what the graphs can tell us in relation to information. 

In Literacy, we continue to discuss making Just Right choices with the books we choose to read and how to get the most out of these books by asking ourselves questions as we read.  The students have also been exploring the idea of where writers get their ideas from and using our own individual Brain Pockets for those ideas. The Brain Pocket includes the Memory Pocket, the Fact Pocket and the Imagination Pocket. We are also looking into what make a complete sentence and starting to use Triple Scoop words within our writing to make it more dynamic and appealing to the reader.

Next week, we have Teacher's Pet coming to our classroom on Wednesday to do an introduction to the various countries we are exploring in Social Studies. Thank you to the parents who were able to take time from their busy schedules and volunteer to help with this program. This week, we will also be doing our Terry Fox run on Thursday as a whole school. Students are welcome to donate a Toonie for Terry over the week and I believe that there was a link sent out by Mrs. Taylor if you would like to donate a larger amount through the Terry Fox website. Also, our Physical Education program will be run outside for the time being, so please ensure your child have appropriate clothing to be outside during this time and as the days are becoming cooler, they are prepared to be outside for our daily recess and lunch breaks. Another reminder that there is no school for the students on Friday, September 24th.

Below is some information regarding our school's involvement with Chapters and donating proceeds to Le Roi Daniels to help us purchase more books for our school's Learning Commons. Please take the time to explore the information and know that it helps to support our theme of Love of Reading within our school community. Have a wonderful Sunday and see everyone in their formal uniforms tomorrow morning!

We are thrilled and excited that our school has been adopted by Chapters Chinook! From September 13th to October 3rd, this store is going to fundraise on our behalf through donations done directly at the Chapters Chinook location. We’re also going to be raising funds to support our library through the direct fundraising page, located below. Please spread the work by sharing this link with family and friends.

Our school is going to receive every dollar raised to support our library and receive an additional 30% discount off books when we shop at Indigo & Chapters program donations. These funds will go long way to bringing more diverse and inclusive picture books to our classrooms. 

Please help us by showing your support for our library and our school community! We look forward to surprising the staff and children at Le Roi Daniels School with all the new library books this year!  Thank you for your continued support. 

Week 2 of School

 Hello room 5! Thank you to all the parents who were able to join me for the Google Meet yesterday night as we outlined to plan for this year of Grade 3. Although the week was short, the students were busy reviewing classroom expectations, science sketching, math concept reviews from grade 2 and lots of creative art activities. The students took turns realizing their own uniqueness and strengths they bring into the classroom each and every day. 

In Reading, we have discussed making good choices in the materials we choose to read in the classroom and during our visits to the library. We want to be able to chose based on our interests and also ensure the book is at the right level for us to be able to understand. The classroom is full of book, both fiction and non-fiction options at various levels for the students to choose from.

In writing, we had a chance to review one of the areas in our Brain Pockets - our memory pocket. We shared some of our own memories and brainstormed some more that we could write about in the future. Each student was then asked to use their 6 senses to write about a specific memory they have from the summer. After writing, we discussed the importance of using your choice of words within your writing to create a clear "picture" for your writer. That is the job of the writer each and every time.

In Math, we have been reviewing basic addition and subtraction facts as well as looking at what graphs are used for. The students shared their birthday months and created both bar graphs and also line plot graphs.We will continue to explore patterns and also representing numbers in a variety of ways.

Looking towards next week, a reminder that homework will be posted on Sunday on my blog and will be due on Friday, September 17th. Also, students need to be in their formal uniforms on Monday. Thank you again room 5 for a wonderful week of learning and see you Monday morning.

Meet the Teacher presentation

 Hello parents of Room 5! It was great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too on the Google Meet today. If you click here, you can see the Powerpoint presentation from tonight.  Thanks!

Welcome to a New School Year!

 Hello to all the parents of room 5! I was excited to see many faces that I knew well when I met with the students on Wednesday this week for the first day of school. I also want to welcome the new additions to the grade three class this year and I am looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and experiences together!

The grade three school year is now at least three days old! We still have to keep in place some of the masking and sanitizing measures that we had in place last year to keep everyone safe and healthy, but the students were pros when it came to remembering the expectations. Please remember to send your child with at least two masks in case one breaks or gets lost throughout the day.

We have started the school year by reviewing some of the 3 R's we talked about last year as parts of the recipe towards making the most of our school days - Respect for ourselves, others and our environment, being responsible students and also reflecting on our work and saying to ourselves, how can I make it better next time? We also introduced the 1 "K" - Kindness towards others in our classroom and throughout the school and 1 "C" - Caring for ourselves and those around us.  

This week we have renewed acquaintances with many of the students that were in the grade 2 classroom last year with me and tried our best to make the new students feel welcomed and know that they are a big part of our class too! All the students were given their own rock, which like themselves, are unique and different, but still have some similarities and connections to each other. Each student has many talents and strengths and we will be working hard to also help each other reach our personal and academic goals along the way.

A quick reminder that school will return on Tuesday, September 7th and that we will be having our virtual Classroom informational meeting on Thursday night at 6:30. I look forward to reconnecting with many of the parents that night and also introducing myself and the TLC program to those who are new. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend and see everyone bright and early on Tuesday morning!