Week 2 of School

 Hello room 5! Thank you to all the parents who were able to join me for the Google Meet yesterday night as we outlined to plan for this year of Grade 3. Although the week was short, the students were busy reviewing classroom expectations, science sketching, math concept reviews from grade 2 and lots of creative art activities. The students took turns realizing their own uniqueness and strengths they bring into the classroom each and every day. 

In Reading, we have discussed making good choices in the materials we choose to read in the classroom and during our visits to the library. We want to be able to chose based on our interests and also ensure the book is at the right level for us to be able to understand. The classroom is full of book, both fiction and non-fiction options at various levels for the students to choose from.

In writing, we had a chance to review one of the areas in our Brain Pockets - our memory pocket. We shared some of our own memories and brainstormed some more that we could write about in the future. Each student was then asked to use their 6 senses to write about a specific memory they have from the summer. After writing, we discussed the importance of using your choice of words within your writing to create a clear "picture" for your writer. That is the job of the writer each and every time.

In Math, we have been reviewing basic addition and subtraction facts as well as looking at what graphs are used for. The students shared their birthday months and created both bar graphs and also line plot graphs.We will continue to explore patterns and also representing numbers in a variety of ways.

Looking towards next week, a reminder that homework will be posted on Sunday on my blog and will be due on Friday, September 17th. Also, students need to be in their formal uniforms on Monday. Thank you again room 5 for a wonderful week of learning and see you Monday morning.