Hello room 5! Thank you to all the students for their hard work and time spent preparing for the Willy Wonka Spring Concert this week on Thursday night! The students did an amazing job and a special shout out to those students who were chosen to have speaking parts and gave up a lot of their lunch hours to do extra practices!
In writing, we are focused on adding the middle part of our climbing stories and looking at attempts to solve our problems in the story. This area of the story takes a lot of time and needs many details to help the reader to get a sense of what is happening in the story.
In Mathematics, we are continuing to look at fractions and their relationship to parts of a whole. Students have been doing a number of activities to solidify their understanding of fractions, including working on fraction artwork to show our understanding of each part and how much it represents.
In Science, we are starting to explore the area of building and design. We are looking at the various materials that are used and the design that goes into the structures such as skyscrapers and bridges in order to be strong and be able to deal with natural occurrences such as strong winds, waves and earthquakes.
In Social Studies, we have keyed in leadership and how this works in the various levels of government in Canada. We then talked about what qualities we would look for in a leader and then voted on a class leader for room 5. The students have also looked at the governments in other countries we study for similarities and differences in how these countries are governed.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday and don't forget to wear your formal uniforms on Monday morning. See you then!